December 2021
Hello Visitors!
Happy Holidays! We are all counting down the days till 2022!
During these past few months we have made some changes to our website and contest rules. As of August 2021, new contest rules are in place. Moving forward, one new subscriber for the month will win a $10 gift card, with a chance to win a bonus $25 gift card during BONUS giveaways. For veteran subscribers, we will have surprise contests with a chance to be selected as a winner for a $100 gift card. We hope everyone continues to enjoy staying connected with us, continues to share with everyone they know, and welcome our new subscribers with open arms! Stay tuned to find out this month's new winner.
Make sure to tell your family, friends and co-workers! All you need to do if you have not done so yet is, SUBSCRIBE below!
As a member you will be part of a bigger movement! We strive to create hope in the community and with your help we can do just that!
- Managing Team @ Raffle luck
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